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services 1 title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc tincidunt nisi non egestas porta. Donec eget nulla commodo, tincidunt mi a, dictum diam.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In feugiat risus nulla, a mattis nisi ullamcorper sed. Phasellus ultricies ipsum arcu, et egestas lorem venenatis quis. Donec accumsan convallis ullamcorper. In sit amet tortor sodales, tincidunt ex id, finibus risus. In feugiat risus nulla, a mattis nisi ullamcorper sed. Phasellus ultricies ipsum arcu, et egestas lorem venenatis quis.


  • Bullet 1

  • Bullet 2

  • Bullet 3

  • Bullet 4

  • Bullet 5

  • Testimonial of previous customer's success from using the service

    Quote source

  • Testimonial of previous customer's success from using the service

    Quote source

  • Testimonial of previous customer's success from using the service

    Quote source

  • Testimonial of previous customer's success from using the service

    Quote source


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In feugiat risus nulla, a mattis nisi ullamcorper sed. Phasellus ultricies ipsum arcu, et egestas lorem venenatis quis. Donec accumsan convallis ullamcorper. In sit amet tortor sodales, tincidunt ex id, finibus risus. Vivamus accumsan, justo ut aliquam convallis, leo felis varius est, sit amet posuere nunc purus vitae sem. Integer sit amet hendrerit nisi, pellentesque euismod dolor. Nunc augue lorem, pulvinar a ipsum eget, porta fermentum libero. Aliquam quis ipsum scelerisque, feugiat ipsum in, sagittis orci. Suspendisse fermentum urna quis odio pellentesque vestibulum. Donec non aliquam ipsum. Nam consectetur eros ac justo auctor ultrices.

Suspendisse non fermentum risus, non interdum ipsum. Nullam iaculis eleifend felis. Nunc quis felis diam. Mauris sollicitudin pretium nisi non commodo. Nam sed lorem neque. Mauris fermentum ornare massa at imperdiet. Cras ac malesuada mauris, viverra fringilla mauris. Donec pellentesque fringilla pellentesque. Curabitur feugiat tempus blandit. Integer ut eros lorem. Phasellus venenatis odio non diam aliquam pulvinar. Suspendisse eget leo commodo, tincidunt erat et, suscipit quam. Maecenas a laoreet dolor. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum id condimentum dolor, quis suscipit mauris.


  • Allergy skin tests are mandatory for any new client who plans to have permanent, semi-permanent or toners on their visit.

    Clients who I haven’t seen for over. 12 months will also need a skin test, as well as clients who have had a new allergic reaction since their last visit.

    If any of the above applies to you,you will need to pop in for a skin allergy test, at least 48 hours prior to your appointment. During this time, we will chat about your end goal/colour options and schedule your

  • No, not at all and I will always ask what you are comfortable with. Ideally, I would love to take some sort of before and after photos to document on social media but there is never and pressure.

  • Yes absolutely! The studio is within a gated court yard, I also keep water bowls and doggy treats.

    Please just pop me a message to let me know you plan on bringing your furry friend.

  • I offer a 1-1 service in a quiet and calm space, the music can be turned down or off during the appointment.

    The studio is on the ground floor with step free access into Containerville. However, there is a small step going into the studio it’s self.

    I am extremely approachable and friendly. If I haven’t mentioned an adjustment that your require, please pop me a email. I’m sure I can help.